Kite's Freestanding Roof Edge Protection System has been developed to safeguard individuals on roofs from potential falls. It is categorised as a solution for environments involving work at heights, such as roof maintenance or regular visits by engineers or staff for various tasks. The system utilises rubber weights connected to galvanised posts via outriggers to establish a base, onto which galvanised tubes are affixed through the roof of the site.
In this blog, we address common queries from our customers to enhance your understanding of the system.
What is the optimal installation method for the system?
To adhere to British Standards, our Freestanding Roof Edge Protection System should have a height of 1100mm, corresponding to the galvanised posts. Horizontal tubes are spaced at 500mm intervals on the posts, with a 100mm Kickplate, unless an existing upstand on the roof is present. A 3m span between vertical posts is recommended, offering a cost-effective solution compared to systems with 2m spans. Each upright connects to the rubber weight through a 1200mm outrigger, and double weights should be placed at the ends of the run.
What standards does the system comply with?
KITE Roof Edge Protection System adheres to building regulations, health and safety regulations, and the requirements of various standards, including:
♦ BS 13700:2021 | ♦ BS 8180-2011 | ♦ BS EN 13374:2004 | ♦ BS 4592-0:2006+A1:2012
♦ BS EN ISO 14122-3:2001+A1:2010 | ♦ UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) Work at Height (Amendment) Regulations 2007.
It also complies with:
♦ Wind Loadings to BS 6399:Part 2:1995 | ♦ Performs in excess of the HSE Specialist Inspector Report No.15 & HSG33 Health and Safety in Roof Work
How difficult is the installation process?
Installation is straightforward, requiring no special training or drilling. Upon receiving your order, you can request Kite's operation and maintenance manual for a comprehensive understanding of the entire system.
Is an upstand necessary for system installation?
If your roof lacks a minimum 100mm upstand, fitting kick plates at the lower part of the uprights is recommended to enhance protection against falls. The kick plate height should be a minimum of 100 mm.
Does the system require drilling?
No, Kite's Freestanding Roof Edge Protection system does not require any drilling on the roof. This not only enhances safety at height but also contributes to the insulation of the roof from external wet factors.
Has the system been tested?
The system has undergone testing to meet British standards (BS EN 13700:2021) with a 0.3 KN load. The testing demonstrated no yielding, fracture, or separation under either dry or wet conditions, confirming conformity to BS 13700:2021.
What load is the system set up for?
The system is designed and tested for a 0.3 KN load. However, customisation for different working loads, such as 0.74 KN/m, is possible, with associated calculation fees added to the total cost for bespoke systems.
How easy is it to reinstall the system for use in another site?
The system is easily installable and dismantlable, accommodating adaptation to different sites by adjusting dimensions. Parts can be added or removed as needed for compatibility with new sites.
Is the system foldable?
While the system itself is not foldable, we can provide foldable heel clamps to convert the system into a foldable configuration if required.
Does the system has any sustainable features?
The Freestanding Roof Edge Protection System incorporates sustainable features through the utilisation of recycled plastic in the construction of its counterweight. This conscious choice not only enhances the system's effectiveness in safeguarding against falls but also contributes to its environmental friendliness. By incorporating recycled materials, Kite aims to minimise its environmental impact and align the system with sustainable practices.
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